Welcome to On Fire Performance Horses & Training, where we recognise that a focus on foundations leads to a future of success. We are dedicated to helping you unlock the full potential of your equine partnership, offering an array of services, along with the opportunity to connect you with other industry professionals.
At On Fire Performance Horses & Training, our primary services are Bit Fitting (including some basic tack advice), Horse Starting and Training, and Rider Coaching. We combine a deep passion for horses with a wealth of experience and expertise - both in the competition arena, and in a training setting. Successful horsemanship extends beyond the competition arena, and we recognise the value in taking the time required for each horse and task at hand.
We believe that a well-rounded understanding of equine welfare leads to long-term success and harmonious partnerships. We will endeavour to connect you with the best resources to support your horse from the ground up (what was that we said about foundations?), hand-in-hand with your direct interactions with On Fire Performance Horses & Training.
On Fire Performance Horses & Training is a long-time vision (and now reality) of our sole director, Adrienne Kelley. Adrienne has a long history of equine experience, having been a Pony Club member for close to 30 years (and riding for just as long!), coaching for the last 10 years, achieving her BitBank Australia bit fitting accreditation in 2021 and becoming a Racing Queensland/Queensland Off The Track Acknowledged Retrainer in 2024. Adrienne is currently a Pony Club Queensland (PCQ) Level B Instructor and holds her Pony Club Australia National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (PCA NCAS) Level 1 coaching certificate (upgraded from Preliminary in 2018). Adrienne has been starting horses under saddle since 2008 and has been re-training off-the-track horses since 2005.